東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻 中田研究室のメンバー ・Tran Van Sang (チャンヴァンサン): 博士3年生 Publication list: (To be published) Tran…
Letter of correction for the paper “Enhancing Boundary Attack in Adversarial Image Using Square Random Constraint” by Tran Van Sang et al.
In the paper “Enhancing Boundary Attack in Adversarial Image Using Square Random Constraint” by Tran Van Sang,…
Evaluation of DataFrames
l「1.1 Billion Taxi Rides with MapD & 8 Nvidia Tesla K80s」(Compared on 4 Queries from https://tech.marksblo…
Accelerating GLM using Normal Equation and GPGPU on a Tall-Skinny Data Set
Accelerating Solution of Generalized Linear Models by Solving Normal Equation using GPGPU on a Large Real-Worl…
Evaluation of Spark Systems
Evaluation of Parallel Effects of Spark Systems
Introduction to Nakata Laboratory SICT Research Center/Department of Computer Science Queries to: nakata.toshi…
計算機構成論 課題プロセッサ